Astrology | Houses


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Our Prithvi is round, and a circle has 360 degrees around. Around the earth it is called Zodiac. To locate the positions on this Zodiac, the Zodiac has been divided into 12 main sections which are called Signs (Raashi); then these 12 Signs have been subdivided into 27 asterisms or constellations or stars (Nakshatra); and these 27 Stars have been sub-subdivided into 108 subsections (Pad or Charan) - 4 subsections of each star. The 12 Signs occupy the 12 divisions of the birth chart of a Native and these divisions are called Houses. Here is everything about the Houses or Ghar which is quite different from Signs and Bhaav - read about this difference here.

1. 1st House - Lagna or Ascendant -
  1. Lagna-Introduction
  2. Lagna-Arudhaa, 
  3. Lagna-Bhaav, 
  4. Divya Lagna, 
  5. Lagna-Planets, 
  6. Shree Lagna

2. 2nd House
3. 3rd House
4. 4th House
5. 5th House
6. 6th House
7. 7th House
8. 8th House
9. 9th House
10. 10th House
11. 11th House
12. 12th House


1. Introduction to Houses-1
2. Introduction to Houses-2
3. System of House Division
4. Bhaav Bal
5. Bhaav Kaarak
6. Dushthaan
7. Kendra Lordship
8. Maarak Houses
9. Trine Houses
10. Upachaya Houses


Maturity of the Houses




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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 02/07/2013