October 10, 2002 I am too little to tell you about my interests. You can see my photos to see how little I am. Therefore my Daadee (grandma) will tell you about my interests. They are:-- Sleeping - I sleep most of the time Crying - When I am hungry, or want somebody's attention, or want to be clean, I cry. Sometimes I cry if I don't feel well, or want to sleep also. Drinking milk Lastly, spoiling diapers February
2003 I am a four and half month active baby now. Gone are the days when all I did was sleep, cry, eat, spoil diapers. I can do a lot neat things now. I am able to smile, laugh when I see interesting faces, hear different sounds, or I am happy, I am smile and laugh. I don't like to lay on my back anymore. I like to sit with support. My favorite exercise is to sit down and stand up with support. I do it several times in the day. Whenever I am laying down I want to pull myself up and sit. My family calls me Inspector Lallu Lal. I like to go around the house in anybody's Godi and check everything out. I am curious about everything I see or hear. I look at people's faces Ek Tak without blinking for several minutes. Talking - I experiment with different sounds. I love chatting and conversing so someone talks to me, and I talk with aahs, oohs, boohs, gaas etc. especially when none is paying attention to me. I try to attract it by talking. Playing - I have several rattles and toys which have interesting shapes and sounds. I play a lot with everyone in my family and especially my Baba Jee. I hold my toys in my hand and put everything in my mouth to get a closer experience Pulling - Whenever I am close to their face, I grab my Ma's and Daadee Jee's hairs. Everyone in my family wears these round things on their face. I grab them as soon as I get a chance. Complaining - When I am hungry or simply bored with my current activity or someone is not giving me what I want I release my brahma astra, start complaining in a loud voice. Most of the time it works and I get what I want. Thumb Pacifier Sucking - There is no greater pleasure than sucking on my thumb or pacifier. I learnt it without anyone teaching me, so I pop my thumb in my mouth whenever I want. When I cry loudly, a pacifier appears in my mouth and I become absorbed in sucking it. Rolling Over - When someone puts me on my stomach, I quickly get up on my hands and roll over to my back. I can do it from both left and right. I don't like being on my stomach and complain loudly if I am not able to roll myself. Eating Cereal - Apart from milk, I have slowly started eating some rice cereals. I eat it in my silver bowl and spoon. My Ma brings them to me and I grab the bowl in one hand and spoon in another and guide my Ma how to put the spoon in my mouth. Rzzzzing - I make these bubbles with my lips and spit out the drool while making a sound like Grrrrr. Teething - I get this horrible pain in my gums and chew on a clean finger, or my own hands, or teething toy to get relief. Rocking - I love to rock in my bouncer while playing or going to sleep. Sleeping - I go to sleep in my bouncer when someone rocks me, with my thumb or pacifier in my mouth, and someone sings me a lori in a quiet dark room so I don't get distracted. My Baabaa Jee is the expert in this, so if everyone else has tried and failed, they give me to Baabaa Jee, and I fall asleep in a few seconds. |
Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 10/25/02
Modified on 06/28/10