My Hut |
October 2002
What is in my Hut? Mostly gifts, received from my family and my parents' and grandparents' friends and colleagues. They include my clothes, dresses, toys, photo frames, photo albums and my car seat which was taken by Papa into his car (Honda Accord Ex) to take me around. A precious family gift, gold bangles, given by Papa A small gold ring given by grandma, (it is so tiny but still it is large enough for my finger) and, A gold chain and a silver diner set given by Bua. I will eat in it when I will grow a little. It is beautiful. Mickey Mouse is carved on it. My Bua says she will replace it as I will grow bigger and bigger.
Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 10/25/02
Modified on 06/28/10