Raam Charit Maanas | Issues
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4-Raam's Shoes |
Raam's Shoes
In Tulasee's Maanas,
Tulasee Daas Jee mentions that Raam was expelled by Kaikeyee in Taapas Vesh (ascetic guise),
without shoes, then how come Bharat took His shoes? Even Raam says to Seetaa that she will
have to walk without shoes in the forest When Meghnaad hit his Shakti to Lakshman and he got unconscious; Hanumaan brought Sushen Vaidya and he asked him to bring Sanjeevanee Bootee for his treatment. At that time Raam was wailing saying "Nij Jananee ke Ek Kumaaraa..." Why He was saying so when his mother had another son Shatrughn? Jau na hot jag
janam bharat ko, sakal dharm dhur dharani ko.... "Hoieh bhajan na taamas dehaa ...."
Why? All the three brothers - Raavan, Kumbhkaran and Vibheeshan, did so much Tap
in the beginning then why did he say this to Raam? Puraan
Created by Sushma Guptaon May 27, 2002
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