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Who Was Krishnamurti?
KP system of astrology was developed by Prof Krishnamurti. He was born in a village named Thruvaiyaru, very near to Thanjaavur, Tamil Naadu. He was initiated into spiritual practices by a great poet, Mahaa Kavi Sri Sundaresa Sarma. Sudaresa was great divine soul, a great Sanskrit poet and scholar. He was educated at St Joseph College, Tiruchirapalli, and then he joined a Government service in Publiv Health Department. He studied Hindu and western astrological systems thoroughly but was deeply disappointed by the lack of inadequacy and lack of precision in both the systems.

Introducing His Own System
He noticed that a planet in its period invoked the result of a House with which it is not connected by occupation, ownership, association or aspect, which are the ordinary consideration taken into prediction. This opened his eyes to the importance of constellation (Nakshatra) in his prediction. He conducted some research and told that the result of a Planet, in his period, are strongly modified by the Lord of the Constellation in which it is posited - according to the occupation, ownership, association and aspects of the Constellation.

Krishnamurti understood, that the difference in the results should be attributed to the exact portion of the Constellation occupied by the Planet. To identify the zone of the Constellation occupied by the Planet, the Constellation had to be divided scientifically. The idea of dividing the Constellation in the unequal Vinshottaree proportion, attributed to Paraashar, struck him. He again found that the manner in which House results are shown by a Planet is dictated by the Lord of the Division of the Constellation in which that particular Planet is posited - this he called Sub-Lord, according to the occupation, ownership, association and aspects of the Sub-Lord.

The problem of differences in longevity, financial status, professions etc, in the lives of a twins (born within a very short interval of time and bearing the same House - cusps were also a study of his interest. Krishnamurti takes the House Cusp from the beginning of the House, and not from the midpoint of the House, as Sripathy Paddhati of Hindu Astrology takes. He proved by his correct predictions that his method was correct.

--There are innumerable Yog (combinations), without taking any House connection in any scientific manner, which fix the longevity in various ranges. There is Ashtak Varg System which predicts longevity.
--The prediction of a Bhaav is generally examined with the reference of the Sign strength of the Bhaav Lord and Bhaav Kaarak, their Benefic and Malefic associations and aspects. He found that something which is fast moving is to be relied upon - and that is the House Cusp which is ignored by most astrologers. If the Cusp is caught in the right Sub, a thorough examination of the stellar position and the disposition of the Sub-Lord will reveal the fate of the Bhaav correctly.
--He also noticed that the great gains came to some during their Saadhe Saatee on Chandraashtam day.

Thus Krishnamurti was able to supply missing links in the existing techniques of prediction and founded his own system - Krishnamurti Paddhati System - KP Sysyem.

If the birth time is correct, the birth chart is drawn correctly and the predictions are made correctly. If the process is reversed, taking a few important events of somebody's life, his correct birth time can be known and his correct birth chart can be drawn. This is called Birth Time Rectification (BTR).

Prediction by Number in KP
Take a number preferably from 1 to 249 or any number as they like and divide the number by 12.
If the remainder is 0, or 2, or 5 or 11, the result is favorable.
If the remainder is 1, or 3, or 7, or 9 the result is late.
If the remainder is 4, or 6, or 8, or 10 then the result is unfavorable.
Taken From :- AstroSecrets and KP, Part 6.  Page No. 130.

How to identify a fake question?
Cast the horoscope for the number given,
then examine the 3rd cusp s/l.
If it is Mars, it is a mischievous question...
If Sat, it is a falsehood... and so on...



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 01/18/2013