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Why Is It So Difficult to Forgive?

To forgive is not easy, because wounds, bruises, traumas have formed and often with innumerable crisis, which may be hidden or waiting to be resolved but definitively with a big load of frustration, bitterness and resentment. Then, this is like an extremely corrosive poison that hurts and affects our whole life. Therefore, the person who has not forgiven or the one who feels that he cannot forgive is severely afflicted, poisoned and full of sadness, loneliness and even of desire of revenge. This is really mortal since the person, who does not forgive, makes the conflict to grow, to magnify and in turn he is tortured himself.

Forgiveness is directly related to many circumstances which are very painful. To forgive one has to overcome the pain, the rage, the frustration which he had under those circumstances, otherwise life will become a perpetual conflict. And we do not want to experience this. We do not want to be filled with more bitterness and hatred, we have to be free of all this. For forgiveness to really happen we must look not only for psychological help but also the center of the forgiveness has to come from God Himself.

If God does not allow us to forgive, we may say it or promise it or look for it but it will not last. Forgiveness is liberating, renovating, regenerating and in addition it changes us from the victim's position, to self confidence, appreciation and spirit of good. How can we reconcile the issue that when we forgive, we forgive what we repudiate? Forgiveness is not the apology of evil or the justification of mistreatment and offense. It is the evocation, the clamor of the victim to God saying: Oh Lord take from me any poison that is in my heart since this is like the smoke that hurts and blinds my vision.

Life must not coexist with infinite hate, on the contrary, it must return to Peace. And when there has been affliction, physical and moral harm, then forgiveness is a miracle, which means the direct intervention of the Presence of God. We all make mistakes and the human being goes wrong in many ways but when there is misuse of power, abandonment, misery, then this does not go away in a moment and traces stay. Forgiveness has the wonderful aptitude to heal these deep wounds. To forgive is really self transformation; it is like emerging of darkness, of death. Nothing can be compared to Forgiveness. It is the conciliation of heaven and earth; it is the annulment of evil, of sin, of pain, of conflict and even of death.

The person who forgives discovers in his heart that God exists since forgiveness is the understanding that allows receiving the grace, which means, the Presence of God in the whole plenitude of the inner life. Then, nothing can confuse, upset nor confuse us because there is a revelation of life, there is understanding and we forgive because we have been forgiven.

It is not possible otherwise, only the one who receives forgiveness, then, receives the power of the inner peace and in this Peace, in this wonderful conciliation, God opens the heart and makes possible that we look not only beyond but beyond ourselves. And in this way, Forgiveness arises and shares the presence, the teaching, the revelation of life, where the glory of glories is born. Because Forgiveness, specially is, the way of the grace and the grace of Peace.


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Created by Sushma Gupta on 5/9/09
Updated on 06/10/11