Other Sookt in Rig Ved
Grihya Sootra
Braahman belongs to one or other of the numerous Gotra mentioned in Pravar
and Gotra Kaand. All the religious rites are preformed according to the
Grihya Sootra
pertaining to their Shaakhaa or Ved. Of these, there are eight kinds now in
vogue -
Ashwalaayan Sootra of the Rig Ved.
Aapastambh (Bharadwaaj, Bodhayaan) Sootra of the Krishn Yajur Ved.
Satyashada (Vaikhaanas, Kaatyaayan) Sootra of the Shukla Yajur Ved.
Drahyayan Sootra of Saam Ved
All Braahman claim descent from one or more of the following seven Rishi -
Atri, Bhrigu, Kutsa, Vashishth, Gautam, Kashyap, Aangiras.
According to some, these Rishi are Agastya, Aangiras, Atri, Bhrigu, Kashyap,
Vashishth, and Gautam.
There is Kathak Grihya Sootra also where Kaalee Devee is being mentioned.
Hiranyagarbh Sookt
In Hiranyagarbh Sookt of Rig Ved, every Rik has a clause "Kasmai Devaaya
Havishaa Vidhem"; and it gives different meanings in different contexts of
each Rik. So every time it gives the process related to Creation,
Sustenance and Manifestation, thereby asks who is behind all these and
whom we have to worship with oblations.