Dasharath's Plan-1 | |||
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- Dashrath's Plan (1) The Ayodhya was beautiful, nature brought much fruits, flowers, King Dasharatha was very happy with family and kingly powers. The ministers, army, citizens were praising him with a good time, Every person was following regulations knowing well the rhyme. Brother Bharat and Shatrughan invited by maternal uncle in West, It was necessary to meet the extended family and have some rest. Ram and Laxman were helping their father in city development, They were learning administration and related work improvement. One morning king Dasharatha was served with his salon shaves, He took the mirror in his hand and looked his face, as he behaves. Dasharatha noticed the gray hairs were popping on the sideburns, He confirmed it that the old age is near to life, as the time turns. King Dasharatha did summoned his powerful executive assembly, He asked a proposal of a future king of Ayodhya from the family. "Friends! It is nature's law a person becomes old, close to retire, It will be nice to find a succession in my place as you all desire". The wise assembly was cheerful on hearing about this noble move, "King! Sri Ram is the future king of Awadh, it needs not to prove". "Ram is capable, kind hearted, disciplined, loved one with valor, He is the king's eldest son, it suits to tradition, we seek no more". King Dashratha was very pleased after receiving proper counsel, He discussed the plan with Guru Vashishtha at the highest level. Guru Vashishtha liked this plan to confirm Sri Ram as future king, An announcement was declared in public, Streets did happily sing. It was joyous celebration to look forward that Ram will be king, There were congratulations on the way by friends as they bring. The gods became worried in heaven that who will teach Raven? The wicked king Raven had terrified the entire earth and heaven. Sri Ram can only take care of the suffering of the helpless gods, The gods prayed to goddess Saraswati " We became empty pods". "We are suffering in jail, lost the family, our property and respect, It is intolerable to carry on any more with Raven's disgusting act". "Kindly be our help and in Ayodhya please create a commotion, Delay Ram's coronation; do as Ram kills Raven in any situation". "O gods you are bit selfish but the death of Raven is imminent, I will help you with Ram's order, He is the Lord, the omniscient". The goddess Saraswati did bring change in the mind of Manthra, Manthra was a secretary of queen Kekayee, 'the trusted Manthra'. As the festivity was on, in the houses, streets, shops of Awadh, Manthra was worried with the news 'Ram will be king of Awadh'. In the morning Manthra went to Kekayee in her beautiful palace, Manthra was crying and throwing inauspicious items in the palace. "O queen! I see very bad news for you, prince Ram be the king, This is deception by king Dasharatha, against the wedding ring". "Dear Bharat will be the king and you the respected royal mother, Please take proper action, O queen! You act now or repent latter". Why Dasharatha is organizing the Ram's coronation in this hurry? Bharat is in the West and it is surprising that you have no worry". "You are a mother, please ensure your son's splendid fortune, The iron molds when it is hot, this time is crucial, opportune". "O Manthra, why are you crying, what is so wrong in the plan, Ram is worthy, humble, disciplined, intelligent in our entire clan". "Ram is eldest son of king Dashratha, his selection is in tradition, The executive body and citizen all love Ram and offer adoration". "Ram loves me and Bharat, he loves parents, brothers, families, He is justice loving, truthful, respects and loves all people, allies". "I am very happy that dear Ram will be the future king of Awadh, Manthra your thinking is out of way, think for peoples of Awadh". After hearing Queen Kekayee, Manthra decided to turn the table, She spoke with conviction " Oh! Try to understand the timetable" "Why is dear Bharat out of State with poor brother Shatrughan? What the hurry for coronation of Ram, there is sinister plan, man". "Once Ram is the king, you and Bharat will be neglected for ever, Ram's mother Koshalya will dictate and you see Dashratha never". |
Index | Welcome | Prayers | Kumaras | Avatar | Vishwamitra | Sita Ram's Wedding | Dashrath's Plan 1/10 | Dandka Forest | Search for Sita | In Kishkindha | Marvels of Hanuman | In the Lanka | Home Coming of Ram |