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Christmas By BBC - special Report for christmas Whose Christmas is it anyway? Pagans celebrate the winter solstice, on December 21 Apparently, the season of good cheer did not start out as exclusively a Christian festival. According to Pagans, the early Christian Church hijacked December 25 to celebrate the birth of Jesus because they saw that everyone was already having a good time and decided to take advantage of it. Historical debate has
been raging for a long time over the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ,
with estimates ranging from sometime in September to much later in February. The Pagan Federation,
an umbrella group for Pagan organizations, describes Paganism as a
spiritual nature-venerating belief system rooted in the ancient nature
religions of the world. High Priestess "We celebrate the rebirth of the Sun, not the son," said Kate West, High Priestess of a Wiccan coven in Cheshire.
The oak tree symbolizes the summer The holly bush represents the winter, it battles with the oak tree twice a year. Ms West said that the winter solstice was not the most important Pagan ceremony for Wiccans, that distinction goes to their new year at Hallowe'en. She said that many Pagans do celebrate Christmas, but mainly for the children and "you are unlikely to see a nativity scene in a witches house". Ms West, who is also an author on the subject of witchcraft, estimates that there are roughly 20,000 Pagans in Britain today and says it was a rapidly growing religion: "It's is the thinking person's religion ... with nobody to intercede between you and your god and no one to tell you what to think." she said. "It's certainly too
cold at this time of year to run about with no clothes on," said Dhyan
Sargam, a witch from Berkshire. "For us we decided to have fireworks to mark the return of light. We took advice from the police because obviously people don't expect fireworks at this time of year ... we've done this now for years," he said. "I'm not a Pagan
because I'm anti-Christian, I'm a Pagan because I believe in a variety of
Pagan deities." he said. Eat, drink and be
merry Firstly, the customs of giving presents, eating too much and generally having fun comes from the Roman festival Saturnalia which used to be celebrated around December 17. Saturn was the Roman God of agriculture and plenty, and gift giving symbolized the redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor during the season of greatest hardship. Big feasts were generally laid on by the rich to feed their poorer neighbors. The next big ancient festival was the solstice feast of Mithras, the Roman God of light on December 25. This was the one adopted by Christians sometime around the 4th century as the birthday of Jesus. Traditionally, this festival marked the renewal of hope. For modern Pagans, the solstice is the most important time. It is often called Yule, after the Scandinavian tradition, or Mother-Night from the Anglo-Saxon tradition. On this, the longest night of the year, they celebrate the return of light and an end to darkness. The third celebration is New Year's Eve, originally dedicated to the two-faced Roman god Janus, who looked both forward and back. At this festival there were torch-lit processions, lots of songs, present giving, fortune telling and people would decorate their houses with all sorts of greenery to symbolize new life. Much of the ancient new year celebrations, such as gathering greenery in the form of a fir tree or holly, have now moved back to start at what is the beginning of the modern Christmas season. Which department
store created "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"?
Created by Sushma Gupta on 9/27/06
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