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14-Varg-D-9-Navaansh-2 (Lagna)
See  Kalyana Varmas Saravali: Chapter 51 : Effect of Navaansh

Divisions of a Raashi Varg/Ansh: D-9 Navaansh
Horasara of Phrituyasas: Effects of Lagna in Various Navaansh

Ch. 30. Effects of Birth in the Several Ansh
The native whose Lagna falls in Mesh (Aries) Navaansh will be mischievous, mean, will be weak sighted, not peaceful, bilious in temperament and sensuously disposed. Birth in Mesh Ansh will confer malefic results, or diseases in the 12th, 25th, 50th, or 65th year of age.

The native with Vrishabh (Taurus) Navaansh will be wise, will enjoy pleasures and will have a big stomach. He will be strong, long-faced, will walk awkwardly, will have moving eye-balls (from one side to the other) and will possess many daughters. Difficulties and diseases can be expected in the 22nd, 10th, 23rd, or 72nd year of age.

Should the birth be in Mithun (Gemini) Navaansh, one will be brilliant in appearance, eloquent, fickle minded, proficient in Shaastra, will enjoy pleasures, be modest, be unsteady about women, very intelligent and will have no wife. Death can be expected in either the 16th year, or the 24th, 34th, 63rd, or the 40th year.

The native of Kark (Cancer) Navaansh will be angrily disposed, will have grotesque body, be wealthy, will possess crooked sight, will be intent on living in foreign countries. will help his relatives and be emotionally influenced by his own men. Death can be expected in either the 18th, or the 8th, 22nd, 21st, 72nd, or 80th year.

The native, who has Sinh (Leo) Navaansh at birth will live in a manless zone, be very self-respected, will have thin belly, will have knowledge of everything in the world, will have weak teeth, be strong and will be aggrieved. Mentionable evils should be expected in the 20th year, 10th year, 30th year, or the 60th year of age.

One born in Kanyaa (Virgo) Navaansh will be happy in his boyhood, will have knowledge of arts, be impotent, thievish, have few sons, be fortunate, attached to others' works, liberal and intent on living in foreign places. There will be doubt about life in his 60th year, or 20th year, or the 5th year. He will, however, live up to 108, with progressing wealth.

The native of Tulaa (Libra) Navaansh will like to move from one place to the other, will have an emaciated body, will not have many sons, be a miser, will hate his relatives, suffer from phlegmatic diseases and be poor. Evils shall occur in his 3rd year, 23rd year, 46th year, 27th year, 38th year and 76th year of age.

One born in Vrischik (Scorpio) Navaansh will not have his elders, be mischievous, wise, weak sighted, cruel, will indulge in sinful acts secretly, long-bodied and round bellied. His 18th, 23rd, 13th, 70th, or the 55th year will be doubtful about longevity.

One born with Dhanu (Sagittarius) Navaansh will have self-earned money, be virtuous, long-necked, lazy and be satisfied with anything small. He will have a big nose, will talk much and be lord of wealth. There will be danger to his life, or sickness in this 16th, 9th, 4th, 36th, or 72nd year of age.

The native of Makar (Capricorn) Navaansh will be short bodied, fickle minded, mischievous, less bold, unfortunate in regard to wife and enjoy greatly. His 19th, 27th, 34th, 49th and 68th years of age will bring diseases. So have said the sages.

One born in Kumbh (Aquarius) Navaansh will be slanderous, not kind, cunning, weak, long-bodied, a wanderer, always troubled by expenses and mentally depressed. At the age of 14 years, 20 years, 28 years, 32 years, 61 years, or 7 years, there will be doubt about his life.

The native of Meen (Pisces) Navaansh will be after women, will have an emaciated body, will live through water (i.e. profession related to water), will be fish bellied, scholarly and will live in others' Houses. He will be wealthy and possess many wives. Death can be expected in his 10th, 12th, 21st, 26th, 52nd, or the 61st year of age.

According to sages, normally the 59th year, 32nd year and the 8th year shall bring evils to a native.

During the sub-period of a malefic Graha, if it be also in an evil Raashi, death, or serious disease should be predicted.

Whatever results have been attributed to birth in various Raashi, shall equally apply to Dwaadashaansh also. Should a Graha be in Vargottam Navaansh, happy and two-fold results are revealed.

Vargottam is the name given to that particular Navaansh in a Raashi which bears the same sign as that of Raashi itself.

Thus ends the 30th Ch. entitled "Effects of Birth in the Several Ansh" in Hora Saar of Prithuyasas, son of Varaah Mihir.

D-9 Deities
There is a new button in Min Page of latest version 7.0.4 of Kundalee Software : "Navamsh Dev Graph" with 4 radio buttons.

This is a highly useful technique based on deities of D-9. Unfortunately, deities of D-9 are mentioned in classics, but no one has ever mentioned what is their use and how to use them. D-9 is for Dharm (to be used with Dharm-patni, hence Dharm is Vaidik Karm Kaaand, different from Moksh).

There are three deities of D-9 : Dev (Devtaa), Nar (Human being), Raakshas (Demon). They can be translated as Sat, Raj, and Tam Gun respectively. Including Lagna and Graha, there are 10 entities, and if majority of them are Raakshas, the native will be Tamo Gunee and demonic in nature. But this is a crude method. Even if there is only one Raakshas in a native's chart, and if that planet is malefic in D-1 and D-9 and D-60, or highly malefic in only D-1 or D-9, that planet will cause grave demonic acts depending on the trait of that planet in chart. Those demonic acts will occur when majority of planets in Gochar are under Raakshas.

The radio buttons are of two types - one type is a single button for forward or backward graph in Gochar, starting from the Desired Date in initial Input Data Form. Other type has three radio buttons to include or exclude Lagna, Moon or Mercury, so that you can make longer range graphs by excluding faster entities.

I have checked the use of this technique, and it works wonderfully, but only when you use it in an EFFECTIVE chart. The principal task of an astrologer is to find out which chart is EFFECTIVE for the given moment. Sometimes, birth time D-1 is effective, while at other times, VPC may become dominant. If birth time is highly precise (as in my case or in the case of Late Indira Gandhi), Vinshottaree DAC chart is always effective. SC method should always be used in all these charts, even if I exclude SC in case studies due to brevity. for DAC charts, D-9 deity at the time of DAC chart's onset is provided automatically.

In the D9-Deities-Graph, black is for Raakshas (Tama Gun), Red for Nar (human, Raja Gun), Yellow for Dev (Sat -Gun).
Time is indicated in Year-Month and then Day-Hour-Minute.

There are times when Gochar graphs have too many Raakshas. If one's effective chart's Dashaa Kaarak planets have predominance of Raakshas, much care and propitiation will be needed to control demonic impulses towards sinful acts.

Users should experiment on many charts known intimately to them to see the workings of D-9 deities.



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Created and Maintained by Sushma Gupta
Created on 05/18/2008 and Updated on 01/21/2014