About Rains
Sapt Naadee Chakra-Division of Nakshatra According to Naadee
28 Nakshatra (including Abhijeet) are grouped into 7 Naadee (Naadee
is 7 types of star which is called Naadee of the star) in following
manner :
Start from the furthest
planet Saturn,
Saturn is the Lord of the 2nd and 3rd Nakshatra,
Bharanee and Krittikaa;
Jupiter is the Lord of the 4th Nakshatra,
Mars is the Lord of the 5th Nakshatra, and
Sun-Venus-Mercury-Moon following likewise.
Thus at two ends
are Saturn and Moon which are the Lords of two consecutive Nakshatra :
Saturn the Lord of the 2nd and 3rd Nakshatra, and the 16th and 17th
Nakshatra, while Moon will be the Lord of the 9th and 10th Nakshatra and
the 23rd and 24th Nakshatra. These seven planets are associated with seven
attributes in following manner :
7 Naadee
Saturn - Chandaa Naadee
Jupiter - Vaayu Naadee
Mars - Dahanaa Naadee
Sun - Saumya Naadee
Venus - Neer Naadee
Mercury - Jal Naadee
Moon - Amrit Naadee
Narapatijayacharyaa ascribes Sun to Vaayu and Jupiter to Saumya, but a
comparison of sequence of planetary distance with Naadee shows that the
above list is correct. Vinay Jha Ji used Sapt Naadee Chakra in his rain
forecasts, but Sapt Naadee Chakra is only a small tool in his method which
is mainly based on Bhaav-Chaalit
charts made at junctures of solar transits into Nakshatra and
half-degrees of the Sun at the meridians of either Meru (Prithvi / Padm
chakra) or Vidishaa (Desh Chakra). These Chakra are originally from
ancient Yaamal Tantra texts.
1. To know the Nakshatra of
your own village take its first letter.
2. Now to guess about the rains in your village, take the Panchaang and
find out its Star by its ABKDH Chakra.
3. To find out about the rains, take the Naadee of the Star, and the
Lord of that Naadee - it is compulsory to know.
Naadee are of 7 types.
7 Naadee 7
7 Phal
1 Chandaa Shani 2 or 3 Graha
- Prachand Havaa Chale
2 Sameer Soorya 2 or 3 Graha - Prachand Vaayu Chale
3 Dahan Mangal 2 or
3 Graha - Prachand Garamee Karate hai
4 Saumya Guru
- Sabhee mein Samataa hotee hai
5 Neer Shukra
Meghon kaa Sanchaya Karate hain
6 Jal
- Megh Varshaa Karate hain
7 Amrit Chandramaa 2
or 3 Graha - Ati Vrishti Karate hain
and with Chandra
1. Now check the Naadee of your village and if Shubh Chandramaa is there,
and the Lord of the Naadee is with the same Naadee , then there is rain in that Nakshatra.
And if there is any Kroor Graha in that Naadee or aspects it, then either
the rain is less or even may not be there
Keep in mind one more thing - that whatever is the Avasthaa of the Lord
Graha of that Naadee, the rain will be of same kind
---Sholaapur city Nakshtra is P-Bhaadrapad, its Naadee is Neer, Neer Naadee's Lord is Shukra
Whenever Shubh Chandramaa will come in P-Bhaadrapad Nakshatra, and that
Naadee's Lord Shukra is also in the same Naadee
OR aspects Chandramaa, then for as many Charan Shukra will be there,
rain will be only for that period.
But if there is not any
Ashubh Graha or Ashubh Graha's aspect, but the Lord of that Naadee, means
Shukra, is Vakree or ASR then the rain may be less or even may not be there.
By the same method one can know about the rains after knowing the Nakshatra of one's own village.
Mangal is in whichever Naadee, it gives the Phal according the same Naadee.
28 Nakshatra Naadee Chakra
Nakshatra Naadee Lord
1 Ashwinee Sameer Guru
2 Bharanee Chandaa Shani
3 Krittikaa Chandaa Shani
4 Rohinee
Sameer Guru / Sun
5 Migshiraa Dahan Mangal
6 Ardraa
Saumya Sun
7 Punarvasu Neer Shukra
8 Pushya
Jal Budh
9 Aashleshaa Amrit Moon
10 Maghaa
Amrit Moon
11 P-Phaalgunee Jal Budh
12 U-Phaalgunee Neer Shukra
13 Hast Saumya Sun
14 Chitraa
Dahan Mangal
15 Swaati
Sameer Guru
16 Vishaakhaa Chandaa Shani
17 Anuraadhaa Chandaa Shani
18 Jyeshthaa Sameer Guru
19 Mool
Dahan Mangal
20 P-Ashaadhaa Saumya Sun
21 U-Ashaadhaa Neer Shukra
22 Abhijeet
Jal Budh
23 Shravan
Amrit Moon
24 Dhanishthaa Amrit Moon
25 Shatabhishaa Jal Budh
26 P-Bhaadrapad Neer Shukra
27 U-Bhaadrapad Saumya Soorya
28 Revatee
Dahan Mangal
There are many Yog of
Varshaa. So to know about them, one has to know about every month.
1. If 2 male planets join, there will be no rain, there will be only smoke.
2. If two female planets join there will be only Chhaayaa - mirror aspects
3. But if there is one male planet and one female planet join together and the
Moon is in the same Naadee and aspecting at them there will be rain but we must
look at the position and condition of the planets and the Moon
1 Chandaa
Saturn If 2/3 Brutal planets are on this Naadee there will be more wind
2 Sameer Sun
If 2/3 Brutal planets stay on this Naadee there will be too much windy
3 Dahan Mangal
If 2/3 Brutal planets stay in this Naadee it will be very hot
4 Saumya Jupiter If
this Naadee will is there it will create a balance
5 Neer Venus
If good planets stay in this Naadee they will gather clouds
6 Jal
Budh This Naadee will create rain
7 Amrit Moon
This Naadee will create plenty of good rain
First 3 Naadee are called Southern and ruthless Naadee
4 Naadee falling in the center are called Sam Naadee, and
Last 3 Naadee are called Northern and good Naadee.
1. In Rainy season, if good
Moon stays in the last 3 Naadee and the Lord of Naadede looks or is on the
same Naadee, and brutal planets do not aspect them there will be good
rain. We must look at the position of the Lord of that Naadee who aspects
the Moon and the condition of the Lord of the Naadee.
Kalash: An Easy Way of Guessing the Rainfall
First of all clean the roon in which you are going to make the guess
Take 4 Kalash, clean them, fill them with clean water up to the full. When
the Sun enters the Rohinee star, at the same time, you put the first
Kalash in the North of the Room, then East, then West and then South
respectively. Leave them there until the Sun has passed through the
star Rohinee, then count the water in the Kalash from North side
Side Month
1. 1st
North Shraavan
2. 2nd
East Bhaadrapad
3. 3rd
South Aashwin
4. 4th
West Kaarttik
1. If you find the Kalash
full of water then at that side and that month there will be plenty of
rain the whole month
2. If there will be half water in the Kalash then there will be raining
only for half month.
3. Whatever water remains in the Kalash, guess the rain after the
amount of water divided by days in that month
4. If the Kalash is dry then there will be no rain in that month.
Do you think it is
practical now a days? Most people might be living in apartments. One might
be in the ground floor while another might be in 12th floor. Yet another
might be on the East side and another in the North side. Heat in the rooms
will naturally be different in these homes (on the same place and
building) and so the evaporation rate. All these people will get different
reading and shall predict differently? Perhaps the house should be
individual, without much of large buildings in the vicinity to obstruct /
divert wind, sunlight etc. This method might work there only.
Another Method to Guess the Rain
If in rainy season, brutal planets and auspicious planets join together
Moon goes from that Star or that Naadee, there will be rain
But we should always check the position and condition of the Planets and
the Moon. If they are beneficiary there will be plenty of rain.
Sun Stars and Moon Stars
Among 27 Stars some stars are called Sun Stars while other Stars are Moon Stars.
When the Sun transits from one Star to another Star, and Sun in Sun's Star
and Moon is also in Sun's Star there will be very windy.
If the Sun and the Moon are in Moon's Star there will be no rain, but if
while transitiing the Sun, the Sun is Moon's Star and tghe Moon's Star
there will be heavy rainfall.
Male Stars and Female Stars
There are some male Stars and some female Stars and also some Neuter gender Stars
While transit of the Sun from one Star to another Star
--If the Sun enters in a Male Star and if the Moon is also in Male Star, there will be hot
--If the Sun enters in a Male Star RS in a Female Star and the Moon is
also in a Female Star there will be heavy wind
--If the Sun enters in a Male Stars RS in a Neuter gender Star, and if
Moon is also in a Neuter gender Star there will be very very hot
--If the Sun enters the Male Star, RS in Female Star, and Moon is also in
a Male Star, there will be heavy rain
SUN OR MOON Male/female/Neuter
Moon Male
Moon Female
Moon Female
Moon Female
Sun Female
Sun Female
Sun Female
Sun Male
Moon Male
Moon Male
Moon Male
Moon Male
Moon Male
Moon Male
Moon Male
Look at Venus - he is retrograde, so here there will be no rain and if the
Sun is between Mercury and Venus and if Venus, is invisible or visible in
1st Mandal [4 Star from Bharanee], there will be medium rain and also if
Mars and Saturn are together or in one Raashi there will be no rain.
Sun Enters Aardraa Star, Many Concepts to Guess Rain
Tithi Phal
1. Pratipadaa Auspicious
2. Dwiteeyaa Increased wealth
3. Triteeyaa Cereal Disease
4. Chaturthee Not good
5. Panchamee Better
6. Shashthee Increase wealth
7. Saptamee Prosperity
8. Ashtamee Short rain
9. Navamee Cereal disease
10. Dashamee Auspicious
11. Ekaadashee Auspicious
12. Dwaadashee Increases wealth
13. Trayodashee Heavy rain
14. Chaturdashee Wealth destruction
15. Poornimaa Radical
16. Amaavasyaa Destroy of state
1. Sunday (Ravi Vaar) Destruction of animals
2. Monday (Som Vaar) Prosperity
3. Tuesday (Mangal Vaar) Death
4. Wednesday (Budh Vaar) Prosperity
5. Thursday (Guru Vaar) Wealth accomplishments
6. Friday (Shukra Vaar) Imperturbability
7. Saturday (Shini Vaar) Dim result
Nakshatra Phal
1. Ashwinee Prosperity
2. Bharanee Not good
3. Krittikaa Destruction of rain
4. Rohinee Auspicious
5. Mrigshiraa Auspicious
6. Aardraa Very danger
7. Punarvasu Auspicious
8. Pushya Heavy rainfall
9. Aashleshaa Chronic pain
10. Maghaa Low rain
11. P-Phaalgunee Fame
12. U-Phaalgunee Auspicious
13. Hast Auspicious
14. Chitraa Prosperity
15. Swaati increased grains
16. Vishaakhaa Sanative
17. Anuraadhaa Animals happy
18. Jyeshthaa All fear
19. Mool Dread
20. P-Aashaadhaa War
21. U-Aaashaadhaa Auspicious
22. Sharv Prosperity
23. Dhanishthaa Very Auspicious
24. Shatbhishaa Plant of water
25. P-Bhaadrapad Auspicious
26. U-Bhaadrapad Prosperity
27. Revatee Auspicious
Yog Phal
1. Vishkumbh Auspicious
2. Preeti Auspicious
3. Aaushmaan Auspicious
4. Saubhaagya Auspicious
5. Shobhanaa Auspicious
6. Atigand As per name
7. Sukarmaa Auspicious
8. Dhriti Auspicious
9. Shool As per name
10. Gand As per name
11. Vriddhi Auspicious
12. Dhruv As per name
13. Vayghat Auspicious
14. Harshan Auspicious
15. Vajra As per name
16. Siddhi Auspicious
17. Vaytisha As per name
18. Vareeyaan As per name
19. Prigh As per name
20. Shiv Auspicious
21. Siddh Auspicious
22. Vyatipaat Auspicious
23. Shubh As per name
24. Shukla Auspicious
25. Brahm As per name
26. Indra Auspicious
27. Vaidhritti As per name
Time Results of Sun in Libra
1 Sunrise Sorrow
2 Mid-day Little good
3 Sunset Bumper crop
4 Mid-pnight Very auspicious
Moon Star result when the Sun enters in Aardraa
1. If Moon in Kendra or
Trikon, and if she is in Jal Raashi, and auspicious planets are with her
or are aspecting in full, the world will have bumper crop, heavy rainfall
and healthy people.
Divagna Vinod has contributed for detailed study on the patterns of rainfall in
his "Varsha Probhodh" .In that he has mentioned Nandan named Samvatsar
to give good rainfall during Shraavan and Bhaadrapad months of the year. The least
rains was attributed to Pramod named Samvatsar of the 60 names given to years. There
seems to be solar ingress also known as Sankraman (Sun entering the Sign) influencing
rainfall in a year. If watery signs like Cancer, Capricorn and Meen becomes the
Ascendant, there will be good rainfall. Something like Varshaa Sanhitaa has an
exhaustive understanding made by our sage. Some of Panchaang, mainly from Banaaras
and some of Sanskrit Vidyaa Peeth (Delhi) provide information to understand rain
The four Mandal constituting 28 Nakshtra in a cyclic pattern are : Agni Mandal,
Vaayu Mandal, Varun Mandal and Mahendra Mandal. If Moon happens to be in Mahendra
Mandal at the time of Sankraman there will be sumptuous rainfall.